for authors
- Submission: Manuscripts of research articles – in English only – should be sent in softcopy (Microsoft Word) to the Managing Editor of the Journal (Email: [email protected] ).
- Area of research: Manuscripts will be accepted for consideration on the understanding that they are original contributions to the existing knowledge in the fields of social sciences and its sub-fields.
- Title: The title of the article should be bold, centered and typed in capital letters (in 14 point) Times New Roman Font.
- Author(s) Details: Author(s) details includes full name (bold), affiliations and contact details should be in (12 point) Times New Roman Font and should be centered below the title.
- Abstract: All manuscripts must be accompanied by a brief abstract. Abstract should not exceed 150-200 words. It should be properly formatted as justified in italicized text in Times New Roman Font (10 point). It should highlight Research Background, Methodology, Major Finding(s) and Conclusion in brief.
- Key Words: Authors must mention 5-7 key words. Key words should be listed alphabetically, separated by commas, and full stop at the end.
- Page Setup: Size of the page should have 7 inches Width and 9.5 inches Height with 1- inch margin on all four sides. Header and Footer Layout should be 0.5 inches from edge.
- Word limit: Manuscripts must in between 4000 – 6000 words (all inclusive). It should be 1.0 line spaced, Times New Roman font 12 point with.
- Tables and Figures/Images: All important tables and figures/images should be incorporated into the body of the paper. Heading of the Table should be in Times New Roman, Bold, 12 Points and 0.25 inches indent (Left). Heading of the Figure/Images Should also be of the same specifications as Tables but below the Image/Figure and Centrally Aligned.
- References: All references should be listed alphabetically at end of the article using APA reference style only.
- Citations in the Text: Kindly make sure that every reference cited in the text should also be presented in the reference list and vice versa. Authors should avoid using citations in the abstract of the manuscript.
- Author(s) Biography: Every author must submit a brief biography, and a photograph along with the Copyright Agreement form. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively.